​Unwrapping the Origins of Secret Santa

​Unwrapping the Origins of Secret Santa

Tis the season to be merry, and what better way to spread some holiday cheer than with the delightful tradition of Secret Santa? But hold on to your Santa hats because we're about to unwrap the quirky history of this hilarious gift-giving ritual.

The Ho-Ho-History of Secret Santa

Secret Santa, known by many names (Kris Kringle, Wichteln, Sinterklaas - you name it!), isn't just about cheeky gifts and festive fun. It has a history that's as colourful as a string of twinkling Christmas lights.

Saint Nick's Secret Spirit:

So, you know Santa Claus, right? The big guy with the sleigh and the white beard. Well, Secret Santa might just have a dash of Saint Nick in its DNA. Legend has it that the whole "secret" bit is a nod to the saint's charitable ways. He'd anonymously help those in need, and that's where the idea of giving with a shroud of mystery might have started.

Dutch and German Delights:

The Dutch and the Germans have been rocking their own versions of Secret Santa for centuries. In Germany, they call it "Wichteln" (try saying that ten times fast after a few mince pies!). And in the Netherlands, they've got "Sinterklaas." Both involve sneaky gift-giving and inspired the modern Secret Santa we know and love.

White Elephants & Siam Surprises:

Brace yourself for a wild story. The White Elephant Gift Exchange, a quirky cousin of Secret Santa, has roots that trace back to ancient Siam (modern-day Thailand). Back then, the king would gift rare albino elephants to people who ticked him off. These magnificent creatures were expensive to keep and created financial chaos. That's one way to say "Bah, humbug!" Over time, "White Elephant" came to mean something valuable but burdensome. Today, we give silly gifts instead, like a rubber chicken with a top hat!

Secret Santa Meets the Office Party:

Flash forward to the 20th century in the US, where the concept of Secret Santa morphed into the office party scene. Soon, this charming tradition hopped across the pond to the UK and became a staple of office holiday celebrations. Workplaces embraced it, offering a quirky and budget-friendly way for colleagues to get into the festive spirit.

As the festive season approaches, the excitement for Secret Santa continues to grow. This tradition, with its historical connections brings people closer, adds an element of surprise and delight, and encapsulates the essence of giving. So, as you gear up for your own Secret Santa exchange, remember the tradition's journey, to the fun gift giving exchange we do today.

Don’t forget to check out our range or Secret Santa Gifts here: https://www.prezzybox.com/secret-santa.aspx